11 on 11 | october

"Suddenly, there is inner stillness. And within that stillness there is a subtle but intense joy, there is love, there is peace."-Eckhart Tolle

Last month I started this fun new project called 11 on 11. You can see my first post and read about the project here.  This month I am back..and well, I am breaking the rules a bit.  I do have my 11 images, but the image with "me included"  did not happen this month.  I promise to be back next time with one, but I didn't want to miss out completely this month.

We had a rainy morning one day  this week and my daughter had a wonderful time with her watercolors. She loves to paint more than anything, so I try to let her do this as often as possible.  I love to hear about what she is creating and watch while she works.   This morning was no exception; she was so full of life as she painted her beautiful creations.

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Please follow along to the blog of Fran Barker and see what wonderful images she has to share this month.  Her work is always beautiful.



10 on 10 | the october edition

This month for my 10 on 10 I decided to pick 10 images from a project I recently took part in called the 5 minute project.  Essentially, you capture life around you in 5 minutes.  You can read more about this awesome project here.   I decided to capture 5 minutes at the soccer field, because we happen to spend a lot of time there.  My daughter and her cousin have the best time having their own practices while their big sisters are playing.  As I looked through my images, I loved seeing the little subtleties that go on in five minutes.   You can see more of the images I captured here. giu 10 on 10 4GIU 10 on 10 5

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GIU 10 on 10

Next up in our blog circle is Jackie Tyghem l Boca Raton Lifestyle Photographer who always captures her day to day in a most lovely way.




cherish this day | october

"Life is fleeting. It is to be enjoyed."-Tori Amos

One morning this week my 4 year old daughter woke up asking for her cousin to come play.   We had a car to get washed, groceries to buy, dinner to start, and schoolwork to be completed.  BUT I told her that we would try our best to have her over some time during the day.  While out grocery shopping we stopped in the dollar tree and stocked up on some fun craft supplies: glitter, foam crowns,  and sequins.   I was able to talk to my sister n law and arrange a play date while our older kids were at church later that afternoon and evening. It was perfect because I was able to give the little girls my full attention so we could make beautiful princess crowns.   We couldn't have asked a more glorious evening, so I set up all of our supplies on a picnic table in the yard. I gave the girls the glue, paint, glitter and sequins and let them have fun until their hearts were content.  Glitter was thrown, paint was spilled, and the mess was everywhere. It was wonderful.   Everyday beauty....it's a true gift indeed.

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Now, head on over to the Cherish this Day Blog and see what other beautiful every day moments have been captured.


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kids were here | october 2013

"If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing you can do is be present in the present... Gratefully." -Maya Angelou

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ginger unzueta kids were here october

be sure to head on over now to the Kids Were Here Blog and see all the wonderful images our group has collectively shared.

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a glimpse into our summer days

“A life contemplating the blessings of Christ becomes a life acting the love of Christ.”- Ann Voskamp The calendar says summer is officially over, yet that doesn't mean a lot in Florida.  Warm days still lie ahead, bathing suits will still be worn, and the flip flops are not going any where.  But with the end of the season, I thought it would be nice to compile some of my favorite memories of our children over the summer.

As I watch this video,  I am filled with so much love and gratitude.  I am so thankful for the life God has bestowed on my family.   I am grateful for the joy I feel and see in our lives daily.   Feeling joy day to day, doesn't mean we don't ever experience hard times, it doesn't mean we don't have bad days, and it certainly doesn't mean that we don't experience real pain and heartache.   No, feeling joy everyday means we have chosen to see life as the gift Christ planned for us.   We know that we are not alone, we know that He is our refuge and in Him we are free.  This is where our joy comes from.  This is the joy I see in my children's smiles and that I hear in their laughter.  This is the joy that keeps me going on days when I feel like I can not battle one more tantrum.  It is the joy that sustains me when I say goodbye to my husband countless times as his job takes him away.  Everyday we are presented with a choice of  how we will live our lives and how we will react and see what is in front of us daily.  I will fail; I will fail miserably at times, but I will get up, and seek this joy.  I am grateful for the gift of joy and all of these moments.

It's hard to share all of our beautiful summer days  into a three minute video, so that is why I call this a glimpse into our summer days....

(the song I used for my video is called Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace. If this is the first time you have heard her, please be sure to visit her website. She's a beautiful Christian woman and wonderful role model for girls of all ages)

a glimpse into summer 2013- ©ginger unzueta photography from Ginger Unzueta on Vimeo.





beautiful light and a lot of love

I have not been doing many family sessions over the past year, because I made the decision to put my own family first.  I love capturing families together, but I realized it took far too much time away from my children and they are still so young. I don't ever want to look back and regret the way I chose to use my time. I made an exception for this session of course, because it is my sister and her family. Since I have moved back home I have loved getting to watch her family grow.  I am so blessed that these little ones are a part of my daily life now.

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sun 11

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four today

Today you are four.  I watch you daily in your magical world...in your world of dress up, dancing, and singing. I see you and I see joy.  You are a gift to us all.  I pray you will never lose your zest for life, your curiosity about the world around you, and your love for creating beautiful things.    We love you to the moon and back...today and always. birthday ginger unzueta 1

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infectious joy

“Joy is the realest reality, the fullest life, and joy is always given, never grasped. God gives gifts and I give thanks and I unwrap the gift given: joy.” ― Ann Voskamp

Last week one evening my niece was over playing with my youngest daughter.   As I watched them, I couldn't help but feel the joy.  Their squeals were loudly heard in the back yard and their smiles were radiating almost as bright as the evening sun. At 3 it seems pretty easy to be joyful.   Worry and disappointment comes in the form of not getting to buy another app on the I Pad or not getting one more cookie for dessert.  These sweet cousins were not even aware they had a limited 45 minutes to play together that night.  They just lived those 45 minutes to the fullest, without a thought elsewhere.

It makes me wonder, as we get older, when does this natural joyous state begin to change, and why does it have to?  As I've mentioned before I've been reading 1000 gifts by Ann Voskamp.  I have been challenged to open my heart to the gifts all around me. I have been challenged to see the seemingly insignificant as beautiful as God intended it to be. I desire to let go of the worrying about tomorrow and embrace each day and moment for what it is. As I look at these images today, I am reminded to live joyfully and to open my heart to the fullest life God has to offer.  I know that God is presenting this gift to me daily and I want to open my heart and grasp it always.   Sometimes, this is easy. But, admittedly, sometimes it has to be done with a conscious effort.  In either case, it is there waiting for all of us.

There really is so much beauty waiting to be appreciated in any direction I look.   And for these 45 minutes, it was indeed pure bliss.  It was giggles, swinging, sunlight, little hands and barefeet, lake breezes,  blonde curls, a sweet dimple.

I am thankful for this joy.

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11 on 11 l september

Today I am taking part in a new project for me called 11 on 11. I have enjoyed getting to know this group of ladies the past couple of months and I am thrilled they invited me to join them in this fun project.   11 on 11 is pretty simple-11 images, posted on the 11th of the month. No specific rules, except one... I need to be in atleast 1 of the images.  I really didn't think I'd be able to start another project this year, let alone this month, but then at the very last minute, I decided to challenge myself . I could not narrow our jam packed morning into 11 frames.  Here is a day in the life of us (well, morning to lunchtime-and as you can see, we get a lot done in a short amount of time).  A morning playing on the lake before school, breakfast (mama finally said yes to pop tarts), school time turned painting time, outside shower and play time and lunch time devotions. And yes, if you look really really closely you will find me in the frame.  Many people often ask what our typical day looks like.  It does vary from day to day but one thing I see constant as I look at these images is the connection my children share. It is something special...I won't ever take for granted.

Today, September 11, as I look at these images, I am especially grateful. So many men and women have sacrificed so much for our country so that we can enjoy these freedoms daily.  Being a military family, we have seen first hand the sacrifices it takes to keep our country free.  I am grateful to God for the life He has blessed us with and thankful to live in a place I can really cherish these every day moments with our children.    Hope you enjoy a look into our little world.


Be sure to follow along our circle and see some amazingly talented and beautiful ladies. First up is Lina Jarmond l Raleigh, NC newborn photographer.



10 on 10 l the september edition

For this month's 10 on 10 I featured a recent overnight trip we made to Orlando for Disney's Night of Joy.   My 9 year old daughter and I have become big fans of Jamie Grace over the past year.  We knew we could not miss it, when we found out she would be one of the featured Christian artists of this amazing night of music at Walt Disney World.   I would definitely say the highlight of the night was being on the front row of her performance. Jamie Grace is such an inspiration and role model and I feel so grateful that we could be there.  And yes, Disney, was pretty great too! hotel fun

pool time

baby rapunzel hanging with the sharks

rapunzel taking care of her babies

a magical exit

checking out the renovations

first roller coaster


Jamie Grace

the castle




Please be sure to continue along our blog circle and see what  Ali Deck, Columbus Ohio Lifestyle Photographer has captured this month. She is such a beautiful artist and mother.



cherish this day | august

This  week we began our new school year which marks our third year of homeschooling.   After having done this for the past two years we were all excited to get started again. I have found that as much as I appreciate and LOVE the long, lazy days of summer, I do enjoy the routine of school as well.  And, as I told our children, since we live in Florida and we home school, summer is really not over. We have many more days ahead of playing outdoors and we keep our school schedule very relaxed. I am by no means a homeschooling pro but I will say that I am so much more confident and relaxed in my choices as we start this new year. I have been able to see all the benefits and lovely way of life this choice for schooling offers us.   That is not to say there are not hard or frustrating days, but I am much more at ease in handling them.

This year our children will be in 4th grade, 1st grade, and pre-school.  It will be our third year using Sonlight Curriculum. This curriculum works well for me and our children. I love that the lesson plans are made for you and I can then make changes if I chose.  This will be our second year using Singapore math for our older children.   We are starting a new Science Curriculum which I am loving so far called Nancy Larson Science. I am using one unit and making it work so that all of our children can learn and grow with it.  We are also trying something new this year with our schedule.  This year we will do our Math and Science combined on one day and History and Language arts on another day.  We will repeat this through the week. Then we will do handwriting, Bible study and reading all five days.  For my preschool aged daughter I am working on introducing letters and doing a lot of hands on learning with her. She loves to create things so I am trying to incorporate this into her learning. I will use a very relaxed style of learning with her as I want her to love to learn.  I plan to include her in reading time and other areas as well to expose her to what her brother and sister are learning. I have been reading a book called The Three R's, which I have enjoyed getting ideas from as well.

I really love that through homeschooling parents can pick curriculum and learning tools based on their children's interests and learning styles. I talk to so many other mothers that do things completely different and it works awesome for their family. I love that!

Our first day of school began with homemade waffles and the start of our new Bible Study called...Who is God?  (And Can I really know Him?) After breakfast we worked in the school room for a couple of hours on our daily lessons.   We took a break for lunch and our afternoon reading and quiet time.  Finally, we tie dyed.  This has become an annual first day of school tradition which the kids LOVE.   The day ended with porch play in our pajamas and popsicles.  I'd say it was a wonderful first day.  I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to spend this time with my children daily. Its such a blessing to see them growing together in the Lord daily.

Please be sure to stop by the Cherish this Day Blog and see all of the amazing images from our group.



10 on 10 | the august edition

“Wherever you are, be all there." I have lived the runner, panting ahead in worry, pounding back in regrets, terrified to live in the present, because here-time asks me to do the hardest of all: just open wide and receive.-Ann Voskamp

I read these words this week and they struck a chord with me.  I could have written these words myself.  My natural tendency is to look behind and see what I could have done differently, or plan ahead to how I can make tomorrow perfect.  But what I want more than anything is to sit and enjoy today for each moment I am given. To wake up and realize every day is a gift and live like that.   To really live with the Faith I know deep inside that God has a plan for me and my life. PERIOD.  I don't have to be in control always, because He is.

I have started reading a book called 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp and my mind has been stirring a lot about this.  I thank my friend Ashley for our recent conversations which ultimately led me to start reading this book.  I love the way God uses people in ways you would never imagine.

 This month's 10 on 10 is a collaboration of 5 days spent solely at home in our backyard by the lake.  We had cousins in and out of our home all week enjoying the carefree days of summer and childhood.   I feel like each of these days I was able to be there fully content in the present. I didn't want to be anywhere but where I was.  It's a beautiful thing to feel this. To live this.  I want to wake anew each day and see the gifts all around me...big and small.  They are infinitely there and I am grateful.

Next in our 10 on 10 group is Jackie Tyghem.  You don't want to miss seeing her beautiful lifestyle work.



kids were here l august 2013

Once again we've had another month of summer fun.  I was thinking about this project a lot this week as I was looking throughout my home. Yes, indeed there are messes daily in my home that tell the stories of  our children, of us together, and of life being lived.  But there are also just "traces" of their presence every where I look.  I realize this as I see towels and bathing suits drying, baby dolls tucked in their bed, rafts and sand toys on the beach, and so much more on any given day.  The life of my children is all around. It really is sad for me to imagine our life any different, though the reality is, it will be one day.  I continue to pray to live every day to its fullest, to live in the present, and thank God for these fleeting moments.   Please make sure to head over to the Kids Were Here Blog to see all the fabulous images.   I love this group of ladies and the love they have for their families.



cherish this day l july

“While there are birthdays, holidays, and special occasions, most of life happens messily in between the milestones.  And we can’t forget to celebrate it.”  -Maile Wilson it really is the moments in between all the milestones and celebrations where i find us and the beauty of the life we have been given.   i used to think that what i lived and knew as ordinary was everyone's ordinary.   slowly, my eyes have been opened to the world around me.  this has come in many different ways, but i am thankful for each way it has happened.  no, the peace, the light, the calm (even amidst the chaos of three young children) that we seem to know in our home, in our family, is a unique gift. it is a gift i thank God for daily.  it is also a gift i want to capture and savor and document.  it may not be our forever, but it is our now and i never want to forget these days together.  they are cherished.

one afternoon my girls made strawberry ice cream.  their only request was to do it all by themselves.

ginger unzueta cherish this day july 1ginger unzueta cherish this day july 2

please follow along to the cherish this day blog.  together, we are mothers and photographers who want to capture the beauty in our every day lives.


this group was formed after finishing my first Everyday Beauty workshop with the Bloom Forum.  it has been amazing to watch each of these ladies grow in their photography over the past few months.



10 on 10 | the july edition

each year we travel a couple of hours to the west coast of florida to enjoy a week with our family at the beach.  this year there were 18 of us ; my three siblings and their spouses, my parents, and 8 grandchildren.  we are blessed to all call the same small street home now, but it is still such a special time, all living together for one week on vacation.   for this month's 10 on 10, I decided to do 10 pictures from our days and nights on the beach.  i will have to come back and share more from our trip very soon. first night in the surf.

we missed this place, a year is much too long.

the whole world is ahead of her.

childhood freedom.

looking for shells.

this is her.

memories that will last a lifetime.

their bond.

beautiful treasures.


i love participating in this project each month with a group of fabulous ladies i now call friends. they all amaze me with the way they see the world around them.  head on over to the blog of Jenna Reich l Life Aglow Photo  and see what i mean.



kids were here l july 2013

Summer is in full swing in our home.  We finished up our home school studies for the year a few weeks ago.  Since then, we've enjoyed a week of Vacation Bible School, lots of wonderful,  lazy mornings, endless afternoons spent by the pool, lake play with our cousins, popsicles at any time of the day, home made ice cream, being out side until the last bit of sun has said goodnight, and lots of family time and togetherness with those we love.   I just love this time of the year.  Everywhere I seem to look, I see my children's presence and am reminded of the beauty they each bring to my life.   The beauty of childhood is something I never want to stop seeing.

I participate in this project with a group of amazing ladies. Together, we are all documenting the evidence of Kids Were Here. You can see their images at the Kids Were Here Blog.



cherish this day l jump

"every summer has a story" -unknown there is such  beauty in the long summer days and the carefree essence that seems to accompany them.  this summer, my children have been spending most of their free time playing outside with their cousins.  it's something i truly never take for granted.  i love that they are each only a short walk away from our home. i love that having them in my home is very familiar for me and them.  and i love the craziness when they are all together.

i cherish this time of our life--it is unique and something i never want to let go.

i participate in this project with a very special group of ladies. they each were part of my first Everyday Beauty workshop.   i'd love for you to go to the Cherish This Day blog and see all of their amazing work. they have each grown so much in the past two months.  i will be hosting another workshop in July if you are interested in learning more about capturing the Everyday Beauty in your own home.



10 on 10 | the june edition

"Then followed that beautiful season... Summer....Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood."  ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

we just finished our homeschooling for the school year.   our days are usually very relaxed and we spend a lot of time outside daily, but there is something unique about summer days that i love.   this month i took pictures from a few days instead of just one.   as i looked through each of them, i could feel the freedom of summer.  it's really such a special time of the year.

this is summer.

mischief among siblings.

super bubby.


helping mama.

tv time on the kitchen floor.


making her own peanut butter sandwich.

swing "pumping" mastered.

blow-up pool fun.

I participate in this project with a group of very talented ladies who have all become very special to me. They really are an awesome group of mamas.  Up next is the lovely Ali Deck l Columbus Ohio Family Lifestyle Photographer has captured this month.



kids were here l june 2013

as i sit here looking back on the pictures i captured this month, many thoughts come to my mind. they are all pictures without my children in them; yet their presence in each of these is undeniable.   i see memories that i will cherish forever.  i see days spent together in our school room learning as a family, afternoons in the pool filled with laughter, lovies that have been special since birth, signs of creativity throughout our home, and the presence of  bath time rituals filled with memories so sweet.  i know that one day none of these things will fill my home.   not in this same way.  this is our life right now and i am grateful to have these stories to cherish forever.  today is so very special.

be sure to head over to the KIDS WERE HERE BLOG and see what the other ladies have captured.



the beauty of grace

My oldest daughter is now 9. We share the most wonderful talks these days.  I love to hear the thoughts that are filled inside of her head.  One thing I have clearly noticed over the past few years is the struggle she has with perfectionism.  I can identify it well, as I have lived my own life with this--as long as I can remember.   As a mother,  I  see how it can pull at us and paralyze us from being the person God has planned for us to be.

My sweet 9 year old will come to me  filled with grief for something she "thought" or something she has done.  She struggles as we do her math together; wanting to get it perfect the 1st time and getting upset when she is unsuccessful.  She notices the behaviors of those she is around. When they aren't being kind or respectful, she doesn't quite understand why.   She loves everyone and opens her heart the only way she knows how.   We have talked a lot about others and that kindness will not always be offered to us in return. I struggle with this a lot myself and it's hard to be honest and explain to her that the world is filled with people who will not love us for one reason or another.  Or sometimes, for no reason at all.  I believe perfectionism comes hand in hand with people pleasing.    And one of the hardest things to accept is that not everyone will like us; much less love us.

This week I was in the car with my three children when my daughter downloaded the song "Hello, my name is" by Mathew West.  I sat in the car  listening to this song and really thought about the lyrics.  And then we sang it over and over again...all 4 of us.

The song says:

Hello, my name is regret I'm pretty sure we have met Every single day of your life I'm the whisper inside That won't let you forget

Hello, my name is defeat I know you recognize me Just when you think you can win I'll drag you right back down again ‘Til you've lost all belief

These are the voices, these are the lies And I have believed them, for the very last time

Hello, my name is child of the one true King I've been saved, I've been changed, And I have been set free “Amazing Grace” is the song I sing Hello, my name is child of the one true King

I am no longer defined By all the wreckage behind The one who makes all things new Has proven it's true Just take a look at my life

What love the Father has lavished upon us That we should be called His children I am a child of the one true King

My children wanted me to explain the meaning of this song to them as they usually do when they hear a new song.  In my opinion,  this song could have so many different meanings.  But yesterday as we sang it, what I wanted to tell all of my children was that our Heavenly Father has "lavished His love upon us"  and "amazing grace is the song we should sing".

I want my children to have grace with themselves and grace with anyone they come in contact with.   I want them to know I do not expect them to be perfect and neither does God.  I want them to live their lives and open their hearts to others with the type of grace Jesus has given us.  This world is full of people "pointing their fingers" at others, shaming them, and judging them.  But, who are we to judge anyone? I pray that our children will grow up loving others and seeing the best in humanity.  I want my children to see others through God's eyes.

"When we face a difficult situation or are dealing with difficult people in our lives, it becomes very easy to see them through our eyes.  We see the hurt they cause us.  We see the wrong they've done to us. We see their actions through the lens of our own personal experience.

When we face a difficult situation or are dealing with difficult people in our lives and we seek to them through God’s eyes, we are able to see them as a hurting or lost person.  We see their woundedness or their confusion. We can sometimes see where they are being deceived. If we seek wholeheartedly, we can even see their possibilities instead of their liabilities.

Seeing the world and others through God’s perspective takes the focus off of us.  This keeps us from taking things personally. And when we don’t take things personally, we can be more objective, we can better stand in the gap in prayer for the other person, and we can see things as they are instead of seeing them as we are."- Jill Savage

We try hard to remind our children of all of this.  And as a mother and adult, I need this reminder myself.  I want to remember to not only see others through God's eyes but to see myself that way too.  I am growing and learning more and more, day by day. I will fall and with God's help I will get back up.  There is not a "standard" to which I need to be as a mother, wife, daughter, friend, or person.  I just need to live for God daily and ask Him to guide me to continue to be the person He wants me to be.

I know I can't keep my children from facing their own struggles; whether they come from within or through others they come in contact with. But,  I can pray for them and try to remind them that we have been given God's Amazing Grace and it is such a beautiful thing.