The wonder of childhood is really something beautiful.

Today, I had the chance to read part of an advanced copy of Only Love Today, written by Rachel Stafford of  Hands Free Revolution . I read the first part and then thumbed through until I landed on this part of the book called Acceptance. I cannot wait to dive in and read more, as this spoke to me so much this afternoon.

As I read these couple of pages, I realized I have been at fault comparing our children at times. Sometimes, silently, but sometimes, aloud. I don’t want to do this, but with multiple children it happens (even with the simplicity of what they ate as babies and so forth). I strive for each child to know how truly loved they are. How accepted they are JUST THE WAY THEY ARE RIGHT NOW. There is a time for correcting, lessons to be learned, and room for growth, but there is so much more time for Grace , love and acceptance. I know, as a mother, a wife, and a daughter; these things mean so much to me. To be recognized and loved right where I am. I pray my children will know without a doubt that my love for them is never conditional. And not only that, that I am amazed by them. In awe of them. Right where they are.

Here are some words that Rachel shares about acceptance. I love the way she beautifully reminds us to see the wonder in our children. I believe this is something for all of us, no matter what ages our children are today.

"When it comes to my loved one’s future, I cannot predict. So let me stop.
I cannot accelerate. So let me pause.
I cannot control. So let me release.
But there is something I can do. There is something we can all do to celebrate our loved ones for who they are now, rather than what their current skills or interests indicate they might become.
We can wonder.
To wonder about you is to know you, to see you, to delight in you just as you are.
To wonder about you is to love you in the most empowering way possible.
Today I invite you to join me in the act of wondering in an effort to enhance futures rather than diminish them. 
Take a look: 
To the child who’d rather catch butterflies than fly balls….to the child who wants to play catch ‘til the sun goes down…
You are a wonder.
To the child who prefers solitude…
To the child who prefers an audience…
You are a wonder. 

To the child who does things in her own way, in her own time…
To the child who forges ahead with no sign of slowing down..
You are a wonder.
To the child who wears his heart on his sleeve.. To the child who wears a costume to the supermarket..
You are a wonder. 

To the child whose butterfly colors light up a room.. To the child whose firefly light shines quietly from within…
You are a wonder. 

To the child who questions everything about life.. To the child whose inherent knowledge runs deep…
You are a wonder. 

So go on, extraordinary one.
Live and let live.
Love and be loved.
Bloom in time-in your own time.
Now I see you for who you really are.
And you are a wonder.
I am sorry I didn’t see it before.
I see it now.
I see it now.
You are a wonder.
I’ll be watching proudly with glistening eyes to see what your future holds.
Today I will love my people “as is” Instead of harping on their bad habits, low marks, messy rooms, or future pursuits, I will pause and simply marvel at who they are at this very moment. In that sacred pause I take to marvel, there’ll be room for love and acceptance to come in.”
