A week ago we were able to use our voices in our country through voting. Some people are joyful and relieved with the outcome; while others are worried and anxious. This post isn’t to pick a side or share any political opinions that I hold. This post is something that has been on my heart over the last year. A year that has been filled with so many opinions. So much name calling. So many assumptions. At times, there was so much ugliness in our country that it was truthfully saddening. Many have become so judgmental if you see an issue from a different standpoint. They are no longer open to having real two way conversations. People somehow forgot in the process that everyone has a different life story. Everyone doesn’t fit into a box. We especially do not fit into a political box.


The truth is we cannot depend on a leader, a friend, or even a family member to bring us the peace and joy that only comes in Christ. At some point, whoever leads our country, state, or city, will fail us. Our expectations and hopes will not always be met. We will let others down. Likewise, we will be let down. Yes, we got to use our voice to vote last week, but daily, we continue to have the chance to use our voice in our own homes. In our own communities. We have the opportunity and responsibility to demonstrate to our children what kindness and love means. As parents we have such an important role as we shepherd the next generation. And we cannot do this with just our words. We need to lead through action. What do our children see us doing daily? How do we treat others? Do we demonstrate grace, kindness and mercy? Do we show sacrificial love? Do we love like Jesus? How do our children see us react through hardship and struggle? Christ has placed each one of us in a home, in a community, in a neighborhood with such purpose and plan. What can you do to lead the people around you? What can you do to radiate the light of Christ ? Truly, so much starts right at home and in our own hearts. I am praying for so much right now, knowing the generations after us depend on it.
